Learn How To Play Guitar Is Online!

Learn How To Play Guitar Online is dedicated to helping new guitarists learn how to play the guitar and to help guitar players learn to play guitar better and improve your guitar playing skills.

We'll be beginning with the basics of learning the guitar and understanding music. Many guitar players skipped over some of the basics and can improve their playing skills tremendously just by taking a step back and strengthening the foundation of the skills they've already learned.

Photo by bentonjazz

Play The Guitar Often

If you want to play guitar better, you have to practice. A lot. The more you play, the faster you will improve. Of course, you have to learn to play guitar correctly in the first place. If you pratice playing guitar badly, you'll only get better at playing the guitar badly!

You have to practice playing the guitar often, and you have to practice your guitar playing correctly. Your early efforts to learn the guitar will be bad. You'll fumble around, your chords will not ring clear, the chord changes will not be smooth... this is completely natural. Just keep at it. Don't be discouraged. Every master of the guitar started the same way.

It takes time to develop your guitar playing skills. You aren't born with the necessary grip strength and dexterity and finger memory. Just play that guitar every day. How soon can you expect your guitar playing to improve? That depends entirely on the quality and amount of your practice. Everyone is different, and the only sure thing is that you will never become a great guitar player if you don't spend a lot of time playing the instrument.

Photo by dustpuppy

In the coming weeks and months we will be providing a valuable resource for new guitarists to get started learning to play the guitar. Stay tuned, and best of luck to you all!